Monday, November 16, 2009





wash your dirty, hairy armpits girl

or wash them after you're done playing with the presents we got you
*grins evil-y*

=.= jackie.

seriously. SERIOUSLY

i'm so cut.






you don't write a blog for your co-blogger but you...


it's ok.
wait till you see what we got for your birthday.
*evil laugh*

Saturday, October 24, 2009


we havent blogged in ages cos lazy lah..
exam starts toms for uwa dudes n exam starts in 2 weeks for curtin dudes..
today's entry? because don asked have u blogged yet.. no not yet.. wait im doing it right now.. so this can be dedicated for him.. i guesss...
HELLO DONNIE-MAN. oh wait no.. DONDERELLA.. hahahahahahahaha xD LOL! matches you :) so its all guuuuddddd... rite rite! yeaaaahhh.

TAEYANG IS AWESOME! piuhpiuhh...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

happy time =]

Because uni has started again =[
Because 8 am lectures with fob lecturers who say "teehhere muss beh noh zerrho uttherwisse zeh mahhtrii haa noh sohlutio" sucks.
Because having no choice but to overload otherwise you-are-not-fulfilling-the-requirements-of-this-degree sucks.
Because cold mornings are painful.

Dumb Warnings :

Caution: Avoid dropping air conditioners out of windows.
Unknown Air Conditioner

Warning: Do not use while sleeping.
Unknown Blow Dryer

Warning: Never iron clothes on the body.
Rowenta Iron

This formula may cause drowsiness, if affected do not operate heavy machinery or drive a vehicle.
Demazin Infant Drops

Warning: May cause drowsiness
Nytol Sleep Aid

Take one – two teaspoons full by mouth.
Prescription Prometh Cough Medicine

This broom does not actually fly.
Harry Potter Toy Broom

Some assembly required.
Unknown 500-piece puzzle

Note: Game pieces do not actually talk.
“Guess Who” Game

This product must be cooked before eating.
Swanson TV Dinners

Artificially Flavored Real Fruit
Dolly Madison Bakery Cherries

Do not use as an ice cream topping.
Unknown Hair Coloring

Warning: Do not use while taking a shower.
Unknown Hairdryer

Caution water on road during rain.
Unknown Road, Clemson, SC

If tunnel is dark, remove sunglasses.
Smoky Mountain National Park, Tennessee

Parking for drive-thru service only
McDonald’s in Johnson City, NY

Push handle down. Push door in.
Unknown High School Training Room Door, Arlington, TX

Cemetery Road. Dead End
South Side of San Antonio, TX


Saturday, June 27, 2009

dots & boredom

1. Thinking too much. It’s rather annoying, I have to say. Especially at 3 am in the morning, when all you want to do is fall into a dreamless sleep. There they are. The thoughts that just keep nagging away like some sleep-stealing pest. Perhaps we should have evolved an on/off switch for the non-vital areas of our brain. =.=
2. My phones decided to go swimming yesterday. As it turns out, sony ericsson’s have much better water-survival skills than samsung’s.
3. I still haven’t watched Transformers 2…or the first one. Partly because we didn’t want to ruin someone’s *cough* non-date *cough cough* with their *cough* brother-like *cough* friend.
4. We’ve established that too much of our money gets spent on food…more specifically bubble tea. I still lol at the fact hazelnut is a …special flavour (?) reserved only for certain special times. I guess artificial hazelnut flavouring is seasonal.
5. I think that at least half of my bubble tea spending should now be transferred to vodka-cruiser-spending. Still haven’t gotten around to the alcoholic bubble tea…or the cordial and vodka.
6. Caffeine pills! I think next time we should get the ones with nicotine too =P
7. Apparently I’ve built up a tolerance to red bull.
8. Walking too slow. Huh. There have been…a few complaints. Frankly I don’t see the purpose of walking fast (unless you were meant to be somewhere 10 minutes ago). Just look at me and mandy, we may walk slow…but still get to where we’re supposed to be…eventually =]
9. Sian alerted me to the fact there is an “I want to punch slow walking people in the back of the head” group on facebook. I think I would make a very worthy addition to that group.
10. My mum told me to get a job.
11. A mock video of Love Story must be made starring averil, vernice and some random as romeo-massive-sideburns-who-does-not-look-good-in-sixteenth-century-clothing.
12. Facebook could be a stalker’s best friend.
13. It’s amusing to watch people who think they can dance, dance.
14. It is also amusing how channel’s seven & nine have connoted news segments like perth’s first master chef and kiddy master chef in a pathetic attempt to copy master chef australia.
15. I admit to watching way too much day time tv. And so does vernice, who, over lunch taught us about some…weirdo chemical released during ovulation and that the higher your voice is, the more attractive you are.
16. The debate over the sexuality of the Ready Steady Cook host. Who’s shirt, I have to say appears to get tighter and tighter every time. However, I think it’s safe to say that we (now) know better than to judge gayness based on the colour/tightness/girlyness of one’s clothing and the way they act/speak.
17. My dear mother is also trying to convince my brother to buy skinny jeans because they would “suit him” and he has the right “body type”. And vernice is adamant that they will cause…I can’t remember. Something about a scrotum and mutated sperm.
18. Play count for I know aka the depression song has finally surpassed 600
19. A new depression song is needed
20. If anyone actually read on to this point, I apologise for wasting your time.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

!@#$%^&*()_ coz its pretty.

OK, so it seems like I haven’t blog since yonks ago, but now im bk in business :):) thank you coconut-san for taking responsibility of keeping this blog so nice and organized. ;)

Today my mood is … *drum rolls please* RANDOM! Hahahahaha, why is that? I dnoo… sleep deprived anddd been anti-socialising for the last couple of dayss.. felt awkward talking to peoplee on msn.. it feels like my first time talking to someone like woah cools wat shud I say nxt to impress them? But noott.. coz after 1 minute I got used to it agen… this is what you get for taking internet away from me you stupid exams!!!!!

Ever wonder why life is such a bitch? Well, I can tell you that if life is a slut.. (lol), it would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy tooooooooo smooooth andd… we wouldn’t experience those hardship we face in our day to day lives andd…probably wouldn’t be where we are now. Rite? I think so.. I guess.. hehehee… do u noe wat those bitches contains?? I can tell you for sure that one of them is economics. Economics can go screw itself, who wants to hear me ramble on import and exports and tariffs and subsidies and opportunity cost and game theory and monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and perfect competition? And wat is up with Ped = Price/(Pint – Price) where Pint is the D curve tht hits the price axis!? Whoooo caresss.. dun care about elasticity! And price discrimination.. omgg… stop it… its not fair to put a higher price on female haircuts, only because they are inelastic compared to male haircut why do u hav to put a higher price on females only because they are more willing to pay more for their hair!? Arghhhh…. Gayyyynesssss… well anywayyy.. if you are interesteddd.. go buy an economics book and read it urselff.. dun ask mee.. I noe nothing bout it, none at all :)

Mistakeeess. In life.. we make soooooooo many uberly duperly extremely lots of mistakes…and ofcourse one would wish that we have never done that mistake and would like to turn bk time to fix tht stupid mistake... a stupid mistake can be that it only started off as a joke but it somehow lead to something more than a jokee.. to a stage of seriousness.. oh no! taihendesuyoo~~ myb not that serious.. but quite serious for it to be considered sseriouss… and anywayyy.. after it got accidentally taken for seriouss.. u just wish u can dig a hole and bury urself in it and never face the earth’s surface ever again.. u would also wish that u never did what u have done, but after u have done wat u hav did.. wat can u do to undo wat u have done?

Here’s a little entertainment for you faithful readers, instead of where’s wally, its where’s coconut and melon! have fun, spot us, and tell us via cbox :) please and thankyouuuus
OH dangg.. the image is too big for me to uploadd.. so i shall link you with it and YOU can go take a look and find us :)¤t=2002.jpg


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Time to Grow Up

I miss the days where I was driven to and from school, when school consisted of learning the alphabet and counting 1, 2, 3. I miss not having to know what algebra and complex numbers and n-t co ordinates are. I miss the simplicity.

We were allowed to be naïve, we were expected to be innocent. It was just another part of being a child – to just accept, without really questioning.

Being naïve, being innocent, being accepting usuallydidn’t get us into trouble.

As the years went by, learning the alphabet turned into in class essays, 1-2-3 into complex numbers and dimensionless groups. Being naïve and being innocent? It wasn’t such a good thing anymore.

It was acceptable as a child. There were teachers to tell you that picking your nose in public wasn’t such a good idea. Our parents (almost) always kept a wary eye on us, keeping us safe from sharp pointy objects and reminding us about stranger danger.

But what about now? No longer do we have teachers to make sure our homework gets done or telling us that sharing is caring. No longer do our parents watch out for us day in and day out. We lost that dependence in place of responsibility.

We were given responsibility over ourselves. Over what we wanted to learn, when we wanted to sleep, what we wanted to eat – over our actions, and more importantly, the consequences of those actions.

These days, being naïve seems to just get us into trouble. We forget that there are those out there who just want to screw us over. To take advantage of your trust.

Hell, this freakin blog is called Coconuts & Melons. “Coconut” and “Melon” may as well be perverted paedophiles in Singapore living in an underground lair with fake identities, beer bellies and a handlebar moustache. O__O

Point being – you can’t trust and believe everything you see and hear. Things can be faked, plagiarised. Identities can be stolen. People aren’t always what they seem.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Where Does the Good Go?

Control. To have the power to direct or determine. The regulation or maintenance of a function. To restrain.

We all want some sense of control. There’s no use denying it. It might be over something as trivial as the weather, or the release date of the next Pokemon game to wanting control over your life, or control over others.

Having control gives us a sense of power, a sense of authority. It makes us feel important.

However, like most things – nothing good can be expected when too much control, too much power, too much authority is given to those who don’t deserve it.

There are bad people in this world. People who are selfish, that lie, and deceive and cheat and don’t give a damn about anyone else. They take advantage of the weak, those that are too trusting and too naïve to think any different.

They’ll tell riddles filled with lies and compose intricate webs of deceit – only to stand back and watch others fall when it all unravels. When they’re finally exposed for what they are. Then they leave, without an ounce of guilt. They simply walk away with another notch on their belt.

Their victims are left empty, used, spinning and confused. The irreversible damage already done.

As a bystander, what can you do? How would you tell someone they’re being cheated? You can’t change people. You can’t change the way they were brought up or the way they think. They’re going to live their life the way they think they should. You can give them advice. Tell them what you wish they would do.

At the end of they day, they are their own person. You don’t have control over how they think and you can’t stop them from believing what they want to believe.

And it sucks.

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defence
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
~ The Fray – How to Save a Life

a posse ad esse non valet consequentia,

Saturday, May 23, 2009


To lie is to give a false statement which is deliberately been presented as true, a lie is to deceive others – or give the wrong impression.

Lying is bad. It gets us into trouble. That’s what we were taught as children, when we still naïve enough to see the world as a good place - when our lives consisted of playgroup, coloured blocks and apple slices.

As we grew up, some of that naivety and innocence left us. No longer could we simply play all day long in the sandpit, without a care in the world. Before we knew it, that carefree childhood was gone forever. We were taken out of our protective bubbles into a world that judged anything and everything. The way we spoke, the way we dressed, the way we acted and the way we thought.

Childhood was simple. Things were either right or wrong. If we broke a vase, peed on the floor, ate toothpaste or lied about breaking the vase, peeing on the floor and eating toothpaste – we were punished accordingly.

What comes after childhood isn’t so simple. Lines became blurred and unclear.

We began to lie.

Lie, in order to evade punishment.
Lie to protect our friends.
Lie to make ourselves feel less guilty.
Lie to get something we didn’t deserve.
Lie to ridicule another.
Lie to avoid being ridiculed.
Lie to escape knowing the truth.

We lie.

Most of the time, we can get away with the occasional small, insignificant white lies.
But sometimes, things go too far. The lies become more than small and insignificant, they snowball into manipulation and cold, hard deceit.

We are often unaware of the other person’s intensions when being lied to. That is, after all, the whole reason behind lying in the first place. If a student lied to the teacher in order to protect the friend that stole the pencil, they are protecting another out of friendship. If a parent lies to their child about the running over/immediate death of the family pet, they are trying to spare that child grief. But when one person lies to another for purely selfish, despicable, thoughtless reasons – one cannot help but be disgusted.

These are the lies that ruin lives.

We lie. It’s a part of being human. We’re imperfect, flawed.

So the next time you lie to someone, at least think about the consequences. Think about how much your lies could hurt that person and everyone around them. Think about how you would feel if someone you trusted manipulated you intentionally. Think about how much you could lose when those lies are eventually uncovered because one way or another, the truth always prevails. Whether we like it or not.

mens regnum bona possidet

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


A completely worthless analogy.

Milk comes in a whole range of different flavours. Some flavours are nice, others are gay.
Sometimes it’s too sweet
Sometimes it’s just right
At other times it’s not sweet at all.

Not everyone likes milk.
Some people hate milk.
Hence their existence is milk-less.

Others love milk.
They embrace milk everyday.
They drink from the fountain of milk each and every day.

Milk must be maintained
It must be looked after,
Cared for in an appropriate manner

If milk is left out in the sun, it’ll go off.
If milk is not drunk quickly enough, it’ll go curdle-y
If milk is poured into an inadequate drinking flask,
Milk may slowly escape said drinking flask and be wasted.

Sometimes milk is boring
It’s plain
It tastes the same day after day

This is why milk is often accompanied by Oreo’s
Or timtams
Or icecream
Or all three.
Such additions make milk more interesting

We should all embrace milk.
Even if milk isn’t always as sweet as we’d like it to be,
We have to see the bigger picture,
See the long term benefits rather than the short comings of the present
eg. It has calcium – good for strong bones & teeth =]
It will prevent osteoporosis & other related diseases I cannot be bothered mentioning

Be inventive and find your own, unique way to make milk interesting for you.
Just because the person next to you likes strawberry-honeycomb-chocolate-malteser-mint choc chip icecream-milk. DOES NOT mean you must also like strawberry-honeycomb-chocolate-malteser-mint choc chip icecream-milk.

Find what suits you, and enjoy milk.

Some politically correct terms for you to integrate into your daily milk:
Bald – comb free, follicularly challenged, follically independent
Cannibalism – intra species dining
Clumsy – uniquely coordinated
Cowardly – challenge challenged
Fat – gravitationally challenged, horizontally gifted, person of substance
Garbage man – sanitation engineer
PMS – cyclically challenged
Lazy – motivationally deficient
Stupid – differently brained
Slut – suffering from sexual addiction
Perverted – sexually dysfunctional
Hunter – Bambi butcher
Large nose – nasally gifted
Geeks/nerds – socially challenged
Abortion - near life experience
Alcoholic - anti sobriety activist
Bum - displaced home owner
Dirty Old Man - sexually focused chronologically gifted individual
Drowning - aquatically challenged
Drug addict - chemically challenged
Fail - achieve a deficiency

So drink up me hearties
till another day,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Coconut&Melon DnM

It is Saturday, the 16th of May, 2009. Coconut and Melon are reporting from the underground dungeon of Coconut’s evil fortress. We’re kinda depressed right now. Thinking about the purpose of life and why things seem to happen the way they do. Why do bad things happen to good people? What have they done to deserve the trials they’re put through? Why can’t life just be simple? Yes or no. Right and wrong. Without all the maybes, and without all those grey areas in between.

Life can be a bitch. We all know it, we’ve all experienced it. Things can be seemingly perfect one day, we would be laughing, smiling, thinking how lucky we are to have what we have. And then shit happens. Life happens. It screws us over. It takes all that happiness, all that laughter and all that contentment. It leaves us with the unknown, situations that seem all to unfair – and we’re simply left with the remains, the memories and the hope that one day, we could, maybe, return to that state of happiness. To one day feel that contentment we once felt. That one day, things would return to normal.

When you’re in that place, it’s often hard to see the way out – to see even the slightest hint of light hidden within this never ending, ominous darkness. It’s a lonely place. It can pull you down, beat you up and make you feel utterly useless, completely powerless. It’s times like these when you just have let go - let yourself fall. Fall, and hope to hell your friends are there to catch you, lift you off the ground and help patch up your wounds.

It is during the bleakest, darkest hours that we need those friends the most. The ones we can turn to any time of the day or night. The ones we know won’t judge us. The ones that simply listen and lend a shoulder the lean on. Those are ones we should all hang on to =]


I don’t need anyone else, it’s only you
When you ask again, it’s only you
Even if you already have another love
I can’t forget you, I can’t turn back around
The moment my eyes began to burn
The moment my heart was captured by you
I have no regret, I chose you
That’s right, it’s you
Oh when you tell me you love me
When you tell me thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets on fire, my dry lips wear out
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
Even as time goes by
My lips, cold as can be, are even more blue
I cry out to find to find your warmth
I call, even though I call for you
And there’s no reply, I’ll wait for you
~Super Junior – It’s You (너라고)


Friday, May 15, 2009

the week that was

It’s Saturday. I had to wake up at 7am. On a Saturday. Because my brother had to play badminton, on a Saturday, at 7:30. On a Saturday. So there I was. On Saturday morning. At 7am. Watching Kim Possible. Waiting for my brother to finish his shower, spray liberal amounts on lynx and get dressed so I could drive him to badminton. At 7 am. On Saturday. Stupid freakin hours. Just give me the damn licence already. I’m asian. Sif driving for 25 hours is gonna make me any better at it.

Melon and I haven’t blogged for donkey years. I’ve been lazy, and she’s been, uh *cough* busy winknudgewinkpokepokenudgeshoveslapwinkblinkwinknudgenudgewhee
OMGWTFahhhhh!LOLOLOLyayyaywinkwinkwinkwinkpoke. She’ll probably kill me now. Life has been gay and boring. Physics test was #$%^&*(). Less $%^&*()*&^% than the first physics test but still $%^&*(&^%$ and very failable. Especially when you’re me. And you were born with a naturally immunity against understanding the un-understandable concepts of electromagnetism.

But really, how is knowing that the speed of light , c = 2.998E8 m/s or that the permittivity constant is 8.854E-12 F/m or that the elementary charge of some inexplicably small thing is 1.602E-19 C or that the mass of an electron is 9.109E-31 kg going to HELP YOU IN LIFE? WTFOMGWTFOMFGWTHWTFOMGOMGWTF!! WHAT AM I SAYING?!

OF COURSE THESE FACTS WILL HELP YOU IN LIFE! Now I can talk about the velocity and wavelengths that create the colours we see! Or I can calculate the radius of the path a particle of a particular charge will travel when it enters a uniform magnetic field of magnitude B! SHIT I’M SET FOR LIFE! I could even calculate the number of electrons required to equal the mass of an apple by dividing said mass of apple by the mass of one electron. HOW FKING AMAZING IS THAT! I HEART PHYSICS FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER (AND EVER)n+1.98765432, for n is infinity.

We made more white shit in chem. Surprise surprise. Except this time they called it “aspirin”. I have to say, it’s the first time I’ve seen aspirin that looked like powder-y, white curdled crap and smelt oddly like vinegar. And as it turns out, plastic is rather flammable. As achiever of the seemingly impossible, I set my bright yellow plastic clip on fire. It proceeded to melt land on the heat mat and CONTINUE TO BURN. Like WTF. Seriously. What. The. Freak. You have a ROOM of ADOLESCENT IDIOTS. You have a BUNSEN BURNER. WHY DO YOU GIVE THEM PLASTIC CLIPS THAT ARE FKING FLAMMABLE?! In my defence, I did try to blow it out. But it seemed to just increase the amount of orange hot stuff. So to the next person that has to use that heat mat: I’m sorry it has a blob of green, slimy, fungus looking dried up plastic leaking a suspicious brown liquid. It was the clip’s fault.

That will be all for today. I don’t actually remember what I wrote, but hopefully it wasn’t too reflective of a psychopathic lunatic who miraculously escapes from some high security facility for the mentally unstable by stabbing the guard with a plastic fork, transforming into an autobot and smashing through the mental facility walls before swimming from the unmapped, unchartered island on which said mental facility is located to some far away land where psychopathic lunatic proceeds to live a long and psychopathic, drug filled life. =]

ttfn world

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

To Joseph,

His name is Joseph Pham,
He was born in Vietnam.
He has his p’s,
His own set of keys
But don’t be fooled,
…he can’t drive.

The killer of curbs
Turns passengers into turds
Joseph Pham is a scary man
But not coz he’s from Vietnam
Because he drives like shit
And that is it.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Let me see..

2nd of may.
i would like to dedicated this post to vernice! ehehehe

and also hopefully vernice sent my happy birthday message to youuuu! ^^

what shall i write bout you now vernice dear??
im visiting uwa on tuesdayy! ehehehe how exciting is thatt!? maths for lyff..
as usual.. i'll be doin mandy's notes while she falls bk asleep and later will join eileen to her phys class and seek auntyblondeguy! yaaaays
hopefully auntyblondeguy wont be in the same busss... so scaryy! ><"
he freakin looks lyk A****'s brother oh and also a stalkerrr *huekkkkk*

uh-oh off topic.. vernice;
vernice lets go city on tuesday and eat waffles *ehehehe reminds me of last nite! ><"* andand jap./kor foooddd melon craveeeeesss..
OH! melon&mandy decided to go piercing that daaaayyy. yaaaaayss im excitedddd! cant wait yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyys! dang after how many months of deciding whether or not i shud get now i finally decideddd hehehe i want i want and i want! =) vernice come and get one tooooooo! =) or you can jst watch us get pierceddd mwahahahaha

oh! melon&coconut wna watch 17agenn. come and join us! okokok!? ^^

Friday, May 1, 2009

Coconut's Captivating Thoughts

Yes. It’s true. Rather shocking, but true nonetheless. Coconut…has thoughts. So there IS something hidden within that brown, hairy, dirty and roundish coconut shell…other than white shit. Even more shocking is the depth, substance and ingenuity carved into each and every thought…

*Note: events/thoughts are not in chronological order.

>coefficients of static friction and kinetic friction?!? W.T.F.
>engineering you suck.
>why didn’t I choose arts?
>seedy guy on train =S
>he has like a …girl cardigan on
>andd he has a man bag!
>anddd he has a green, plastic flowery ring
>andddd he has his glasses hooked onto his pants
>anddddd he's writing on a tea bag. With a black artline pen.
>andddddd I sound like a stalker.
>but lol anyway.
>why does my bbt look like mushy yam…
>how does a grape snow become a grape soy punch?!
>wtffmlLOL. Jerk.
>I have apple jelly!
>I should ilecture Wednesday’s geng
>crapness. I missed today’s 11am lecture. Again. I suck.
>av & vern forcing me to go to the 2pm one.
>skip chem. Sif organic chem has any correlation to life anyway.
>I want more teh manis wheeeeeee
>melon san your blog is funnyshit
>chemical white shit is awesome
>white shit is better known as diphenylmenthypoopycrap
>guy clothes are comfy.
>I want more guy clothes
>ppl will think I’m gay
>or bi
>or a crossdresser
>or all three O.o
>wait. That's not possible
>or is it?
>wow I’m confuzzled.
>I should stop thinking
>I wanna see xmen origins
>apparently there’s a hot Korean dude
>a hot, buff Korean dude.

*end of thought process*

melons inner thoughts

huhh.. okeeii there's no entry for the last 1 day? hahahaha is it?
shooo now melon and coconut is gna do a rdm talk bout our feelings todayy...
but ofcourse coconuts thoughts is gna b in a different posttt..

first of all.. kappoooooooooooww!! kekekekekkeeee i dno how on earth i got tht word but i jst feel lyk sayin ittt ^^ got a problem with tht!? huehuehueeeeee...
right now i feel annoyyeddddd.. fknn annoyedddd... lyk fkkkkk... omgggg ewwww.. wtfff.. omggg.. oh nooo..ewwww.. IAUSHDLAIKSJNDLKNSDL!!!! grrrrrr... dun ask whyy.. grrrrrrr X-infinity. actuallyy.. now i forgot wat im annoyed at.. after releasing my angerrr hahahaha short term memorryyyy....
looooooolsss.. i laughhhhh.... or did i really laugh?? hmmmm... only i would noe
isnt tht rite.. huhh??? yeppps thts ritee.. i think im talkin to myself too muchh..
double econ todayyy tut & lect. funfunnnn... NO REALLY IT WAS FUN! why you askk?? well ofcourse gud eye-candy ;) mwahahahaha the cute guy tht i saw on day1 and last wk came agen todayyyyy and yday ahahahaha he's bein gud comin along to the lecturess.. too bad he isnt in my tut class and no group ass to do. otherwise huehuehueeeeee.... ;)
i am craving for crabs, popcorn, korean snacks, melon ice cream, green tea ice cream, wafflee, cake from tht nice cake shop tht baileys oneee. cake wa hoshii desuu!
ohhhh.. onaka ga suita! huhu... tomss.. POPCORN TIMEE!! while watchin FO! <3 oh how i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my dearrrrrr....
OH and omgg.. fk SE! grrrrr. so annoyeddd.. my dearest mobileee and also mandy's dream mobile suppose to come out in freakin JUNE but postponed to OCTOBER in america and europeee.. WTF!? wat happens to perth huh? shoooo shiiiiittt.. gaynessss... they wont even import tht mob til probs mid of nxt yrr.. errr ew much? indo better have it
otherwise annooooyyyddd and i'll start killin emmm.. mwahahahahahaha xD

errr.. ok .. i think i've written a lot of shiit already..
so thts all for now . daaaahhhh.....
OH and first post of the monthh! (:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Misadventures of Coconut & Melon

In the small, distant continent of Whattamadigiggity, there was once an even smaller, even more distant city called Ireallydontlikeengineering. Within the city of Ireallydontlikeengineering, there was a township by the name of Donisadoushbag. Within the Township of Donisadoushbag, there was a street known as Youepicfaildon. On this deserted, dodgy and fail of a street, there was a famous fruit and vege and nut shop. Inside that shop, a wonderful array of UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME fruits and veges and nuts could be found. Among these UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME fruits and veges and nuts were two INCREDIBLY UNIQUE and UNDENIABLY SPECIAL and AWESOME-LY AWESOME … things.

One of these UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME things was known as Coconut. The other equally UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME thing was the famous Melon. Coconut and Melon lived a happy life at the fruit and vege and nut shop…that was, until an evil force creeped it’s way into the once peaceful town.

This force, governed by evil was known to the townspeople as Katsudonnosaurus. Katsudonnosaurus was a tyrant of epic proportions. His hair was black, badly styled and over gelled. His eyes were dark, glinting with mischief. His shoes were a gay-coloured blue. His shorts were so short that they were completely covered by his stomach flab. And worst of all, he hated coconuts and melons.

He would claim that he “hated” Coconut, for ruining his life and causing it to “spiral down the drain”. Katsudonnosaurus even called Melon a “jerk”, and threatened to crack her in half!

Coconut and Melon, tired of Katsudonnosaurus’s evil lies and threats took him down in an awesome-as grapple tackle, followed by a sick right handed uppercut and finished off with a sumo style body slam.

And Katsudonnosaurus never annoyed Coconut and Melon again.

The End.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Useful Facts of LIFE

  1. When a person pees, a small deposit of urine enters the mouth via the saliva glands.
  2. If your vomit looks like what you ate, you just ate. If it's soupy, it's been in your stomach for a while.
  3. Scary rides on amusement parks sometimes turn vomit into a lethal weapon. People puke and the vomit flies around, covering not only the bodies and faces of others on the ride, but sometimes the pukers' noses and mouths, preventing them from breathing. Centrifugal-force rides are especially risky.
  4. Some Eskimos suck the snot out of their babies' noses with their mouths.
  5. An average person produces 25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime. That's enough to fill at least one swimming pool.
  6. In Tanzania, Africa, the Masai people regard spitting as a show of good will. Newborn babies are spat upon for good luck. Deals are often closed with a spit-soaked handshake.
  7. The temperature of your fart is 98.6 degrees, the same as your body should be.
  8. Farts have been clocked at 10 feet per second.
  9. Each volley of farts consists of about 9 percent carbon dioxide and 7 percent methane, two gases that contribute to global warming.
  10. Eating beets can turn your urine red.

    Vitamin B2 makes it bright yellow.

    Certain blue dyes make it blue-green.

    L-dopa makes it dark brown.

    Rhubarb sometimes makes it brownish or pinkish.

These wonderfully insightful facts came from
Coconut hopes this post has filled your day with new and exciting knowledge =]


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 2


today is day two of bloggy.
i got nothing to say really. i dno why i even bother writing this post up.
like errrrr.... righttttt.... i bet when u read this u're like
yeaa this is shooo pointlesss. coz there's nothin interesting here! mwahahahaha

lalalaaaa~. mannn.. its the long wkendd and i was suppose to catch up with bof.
i miss kimbummm!!! yesyes i noe the series finished ages ago but i've been savin it up
again n again n again n again *hehehe 2pm <3* and then i jst never seem to watch it nemore
wat a doush. boooooo.
go watch 2pm's MV! yaaaaaays nichkhun is shoooo cuteeee.. nawwwwww i likeyyy very muchiee
sho go watch it k!?

i just found out tht *BEEP* likes boyyys. should we go find *BEEP* a decent bf?? ;)

ps. i bet this is the most gay-ass post everr.


dear bloggy-san,

this is like the 4th post for you today and we only started a couple of hours agooo
wooowwieee we're shoooo gudd. arent we not!? kekekekekee

coconut has officially rolled over to watch tv and left me alone to do the posting..
sho i postPOSTpost. i dno wat to post tho!? huhuhuuuu.. coconut come and help me!!
why you torture me this wayy! T-T melon doesnt like thisss..

OH! toms is anzac day sho coconut and melon gets a breakkkk from all the crazy fruit and veges out theree! :B

omg. i jst remembered something. on friday.. *BEEP* visited *BEEP* at the fruit&vege shop but didnt visit melon.. huhuhu melon is saddd. *BEEP* is shooo meann.. only wants to visit *BEEP*! but hopefully *BEEP* had fun visiting *BEEP* ehehehehe. but even sho tht grrrr. even coconut agrees with melon boooooo.

well anywayy. thats all for noww. ciaooo

Dearest Don,

HELLO DON! LOL. For those who have never met'll probably meet him soon enough. He's the scary-ass, bouncer-looking guy with a hell suss smile and a receding hair line wearing short shorts =P. Seriously. LOL.

- Don
- Donny
- Oppa Don
- Katsu Don
- Jeremy
- Jerk
- Granny Don
- Aunty Don
- Donburi

Favourite Clothes:
- Black tops
- Short shorts
- Even shorter short shorts
- Sneakers
- Knee high socks
- Superman underwear

Favourite Bands/Artists:
- Big Bang
- Big Bang
- Big Bang

- Epic fail
- You jerk

Today's DON quote: "You laugh because I'm different...........
I laugh cause I just farted!"

till another day, goodbye all.


As a word of warning: even though melon and myself are THE most un-procrastinating, most organised, most dedicated, most english-enabled people you will ever meet, and even though we will TRY very, very hard to update this thingy at least once a year, you have to understand that study comes first in our lives. We love study. We heart study. We live for study. We'd eat study for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it was physically possible. Study > everything. Seriously.


- OMGGG...VERNICE IS 18 ! happy birthday squishy =]
- Cheesy tiramisu with coffee that was too strong and a lil bit to much kahlua...
- Stealing eclipse
- Ruining thongs (or thong, technically i only half ruined one thong..)
- Failing Organic Chem
- Vernice choking...on rice..

Energy Drinks Drunk:
- 2 x 330ml Red Bull
- 1 x 500ml Mother

Junk Food Consumed:
Unknown. But something along x --> + infinity

Coconut's funny quote of the week:
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings."

byebye all =]


This is the first official blog-y-ma-jig-iiii by the COCONUT & MELON pty ltd.

For those of you who do not know what a "coconut" is, ... its one of those round things ya know? its kinda brownnn..has white crap on the inside..LIQUID WHITE STUFF! and it tastes rather good when eaten with

nowww whats nxtt..
MELONN!!! what is melon?? hmm.. melon is nice. i like melon. do u like melon? coz i like melon! hehehehe. Melon's are round. There are many types of melon. eg. rock melon..and water melon..and winter melon..and honeydew melon..and many, many other undiscovered melons!

thats all for now from coconuts and ice (: