Monday, April 27, 2009

Useful Facts of LIFE

  1. When a person pees, a small deposit of urine enters the mouth via the saliva glands.
  2. If your vomit looks like what you ate, you just ate. If it's soupy, it's been in your stomach for a while.
  3. Scary rides on amusement parks sometimes turn vomit into a lethal weapon. People puke and the vomit flies around, covering not only the bodies and faces of others on the ride, but sometimes the pukers' noses and mouths, preventing them from breathing. Centrifugal-force rides are especially risky.
  4. Some Eskimos suck the snot out of their babies' noses with their mouths.
  5. An average person produces 25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime. That's enough to fill at least one swimming pool.
  6. In Tanzania, Africa, the Masai people regard spitting as a show of good will. Newborn babies are spat upon for good luck. Deals are often closed with a spit-soaked handshake.
  7. The temperature of your fart is 98.6 degrees, the same as your body should be.
  8. Farts have been clocked at 10 feet per second.
  9. Each volley of farts consists of about 9 percent carbon dioxide and 7 percent methane, two gases that contribute to global warming.
  10. Eating beets can turn your urine red.

    Vitamin B2 makes it bright yellow.

    Certain blue dyes make it blue-green.

    L-dopa makes it dark brown.

    Rhubarb sometimes makes it brownish or pinkish.

These wonderfully insightful facts came from
Coconut hopes this post has filled your day with new and exciting knowledge =]


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