Sunday, April 26, 2009


As a word of warning: even though melon and myself are THE most un-procrastinating, most organised, most dedicated, most english-enabled people you will ever meet, and even though we will TRY very, very hard to update this thingy at least once a year, you have to understand that study comes first in our lives. We love study. We heart study. We live for study. We'd eat study for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it was physically possible. Study > everything. Seriously.


- OMGGG...VERNICE IS 18 ! happy birthday squishy =]
- Cheesy tiramisu with coffee that was too strong and a lil bit to much kahlua...
- Stealing eclipse
- Ruining thongs (or thong, technically i only half ruined one thong..)
- Failing Organic Chem
- Vernice choking...on rice..

Energy Drinks Drunk:
- 2 x 330ml Red Bull
- 1 x 500ml Mother

Junk Food Consumed:
Unknown. But something along x --> + infinity

Coconut's funny quote of the week:
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings."

byebye all =]

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