Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Misadventures of Coconut & Melon

In the small, distant continent of Whattamadigiggity, there was once an even smaller, even more distant city called Ireallydontlikeengineering. Within the city of Ireallydontlikeengineering, there was a township by the name of Donisadoushbag. Within the Township of Donisadoushbag, there was a street known as Youepicfaildon. On this deserted, dodgy and fail of a street, there was a famous fruit and vege and nut shop. Inside that shop, a wonderful array of UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME fruits and veges and nuts could be found. Among these UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME fruits and veges and nuts were two INCREDIBLY UNIQUE and UNDENIABLY SPECIAL and AWESOME-LY AWESOME … things.

One of these UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME things was known as Coconut. The other equally UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME thing was the famous Melon. Coconut and Melon lived a happy life at the fruit and vege and nut shop…that was, until an evil force creeped it’s way into the once peaceful town.

This force, governed by evil was known to the townspeople as Katsudonnosaurus. Katsudonnosaurus was a tyrant of epic proportions. His hair was black, badly styled and over gelled. His eyes were dark, glinting with mischief. His shoes were a gay-coloured blue. His shorts were so short that they were completely covered by his stomach flab. And worst of all, he hated coconuts and melons.

He would claim that he “hated” Coconut, for ruining his life and causing it to “spiral down the drain”. Katsudonnosaurus even called Melon a “jerk”, and threatened to crack her in half!

Coconut and Melon, tired of Katsudonnosaurus’s evil lies and threats took him down in an awesome-as grapple tackle, followed by a sick right handed uppercut and finished off with a sumo style body slam.

And Katsudonnosaurus never annoyed Coconut and Melon again.

The End.

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