Friday, May 1, 2009

melons inner thoughts

huhh.. okeeii there's no entry for the last 1 day? hahahaha is it?
shooo now melon and coconut is gna do a rdm talk bout our feelings todayy...
but ofcourse coconuts thoughts is gna b in a different posttt..

first of all.. kappoooooooooooww!! kekekekekkeeee i dno how on earth i got tht word but i jst feel lyk sayin ittt ^^ got a problem with tht!? huehuehueeeeee...
right now i feel annoyyeddddd.. fknn annoyedddd... lyk fkkkkk... omgggg ewwww.. wtfff.. omggg.. oh nooo..ewwww.. IAUSHDLAIKSJNDLKNSDL!!!! grrrrrr... dun ask whyy.. grrrrrrr X-infinity. actuallyy.. now i forgot wat im annoyed at.. after releasing my angerrr hahahaha short term memorryyyy....
looooooolsss.. i laughhhhh.... or did i really laugh?? hmmmm... only i would noe
isnt tht rite.. huhh??? yeppps thts ritee.. i think im talkin to myself too muchh..
double econ todayyy tut & lect. funfunnnn... NO REALLY IT WAS FUN! why you askk?? well ofcourse gud eye-candy ;) mwahahahaha the cute guy tht i saw on day1 and last wk came agen todayyyyy and yday ahahahaha he's bein gud comin along to the lecturess.. too bad he isnt in my tut class and no group ass to do. otherwise huehuehueeeeee.... ;)
i am craving for crabs, popcorn, korean snacks, melon ice cream, green tea ice cream, wafflee, cake from tht nice cake shop tht baileys oneee. cake wa hoshii desuu!
ohhhh.. onaka ga suita! huhu... tomss.. POPCORN TIMEE!! while watchin FO! <3 oh how i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my dearrrrrr....
OH and omgg.. fk SE! grrrrr. so annoyeddd.. my dearest mobileee and also mandy's dream mobile suppose to come out in freakin JUNE but postponed to OCTOBER in america and europeee.. WTF!? wat happens to perth huh? shoooo shiiiiittt.. gaynessss... they wont even import tht mob til probs mid of nxt yrr.. errr ew much? indo better have it
otherwise annooooyyyddd and i'll start killin emmm.. mwahahahahahaha xD

errr.. ok .. i think i've written a lot of shiit already..
so thts all for now . daaaahhhh.....
OH and first post of the monthh! (:

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