Friday, May 15, 2009

the week that was

It’s Saturday. I had to wake up at 7am. On a Saturday. Because my brother had to play badminton, on a Saturday, at 7:30. On a Saturday. So there I was. On Saturday morning. At 7am. Watching Kim Possible. Waiting for my brother to finish his shower, spray liberal amounts on lynx and get dressed so I could drive him to badminton. At 7 am. On Saturday. Stupid freakin hours. Just give me the damn licence already. I’m asian. Sif driving for 25 hours is gonna make me any better at it.

Melon and I haven’t blogged for donkey years. I’ve been lazy, and she’s been, uh *cough* busy winknudgewinkpokepokenudgeshoveslapwinkblinkwinknudgenudgewhee
OMGWTFahhhhh!LOLOLOLyayyaywinkwinkwinkwinkpoke. She’ll probably kill me now. Life has been gay and boring. Physics test was #$%^&*(). Less $%^&*()*&^% than the first physics test but still $%^&*(&^%$ and very failable. Especially when you’re me. And you were born with a naturally immunity against understanding the un-understandable concepts of electromagnetism.

But really, how is knowing that the speed of light , c = 2.998E8 m/s or that the permittivity constant is 8.854E-12 F/m or that the elementary charge of some inexplicably small thing is 1.602E-19 C or that the mass of an electron is 9.109E-31 kg going to HELP YOU IN LIFE? WTFOMGWTFOMFGWTHWTFOMGOMGWTF!! WHAT AM I SAYING?!

OF COURSE THESE FACTS WILL HELP YOU IN LIFE! Now I can talk about the velocity and wavelengths that create the colours we see! Or I can calculate the radius of the path a particle of a particular charge will travel when it enters a uniform magnetic field of magnitude B! SHIT I’M SET FOR LIFE! I could even calculate the number of electrons required to equal the mass of an apple by dividing said mass of apple by the mass of one electron. HOW FKING AMAZING IS THAT! I HEART PHYSICS FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER (AND EVER)n+1.98765432, for n is infinity.

We made more white shit in chem. Surprise surprise. Except this time they called it “aspirin”. I have to say, it’s the first time I’ve seen aspirin that looked like powder-y, white curdled crap and smelt oddly like vinegar. And as it turns out, plastic is rather flammable. As achiever of the seemingly impossible, I set my bright yellow plastic clip on fire. It proceeded to melt land on the heat mat and CONTINUE TO BURN. Like WTF. Seriously. What. The. Freak. You have a ROOM of ADOLESCENT IDIOTS. You have a BUNSEN BURNER. WHY DO YOU GIVE THEM PLASTIC CLIPS THAT ARE FKING FLAMMABLE?! In my defence, I did try to blow it out. But it seemed to just increase the amount of orange hot stuff. So to the next person that has to use that heat mat: I’m sorry it has a blob of green, slimy, fungus looking dried up plastic leaking a suspicious brown liquid. It was the clip’s fault.

That will be all for today. I don’t actually remember what I wrote, but hopefully it wasn’t too reflective of a psychopathic lunatic who miraculously escapes from some high security facility for the mentally unstable by stabbing the guard with a plastic fork, transforming into an autobot and smashing through the mental facility walls before swimming from the unmapped, unchartered island on which said mental facility is located to some far away land where psychopathic lunatic proceeds to live a long and psychopathic, drug filled life. =]

ttfn world

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