Friday, May 1, 2009

Coconut's Captivating Thoughts

Yes. It’s true. Rather shocking, but true nonetheless. Coconut…has thoughts. So there IS something hidden within that brown, hairy, dirty and roundish coconut shell…other than white shit. Even more shocking is the depth, substance and ingenuity carved into each and every thought…

*Note: events/thoughts are not in chronological order.

>coefficients of static friction and kinetic friction?!? W.T.F.
>engineering you suck.
>why didn’t I choose arts?
>seedy guy on train =S
>he has like a …girl cardigan on
>andd he has a man bag!
>anddd he has a green, plastic flowery ring
>andddd he has his glasses hooked onto his pants
>anddddd he's writing on a tea bag. With a black artline pen.
>andddddd I sound like a stalker.
>but lol anyway.
>why does my bbt look like mushy yam…
>how does a grape snow become a grape soy punch?!
>wtffmlLOL. Jerk.
>I have apple jelly!
>I should ilecture Wednesday’s geng
>crapness. I missed today’s 11am lecture. Again. I suck.
>av & vern forcing me to go to the 2pm one.
>skip chem. Sif organic chem has any correlation to life anyway.
>I want more teh manis wheeeeeee
>melon san your blog is funnyshit
>chemical white shit is awesome
>white shit is better known as diphenylmenthypoopycrap
>guy clothes are comfy.
>I want more guy clothes
>ppl will think I’m gay
>or bi
>or a crossdresser
>or all three O.o
>wait. That's not possible
>or is it?
>wow I’m confuzzled.
>I should stop thinking
>I wanna see xmen origins
>apparently there’s a hot Korean dude
>a hot, buff Korean dude.

*end of thought process*

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