Sunday, May 31, 2009

Time to Grow Up

I miss the days where I was driven to and from school, when school consisted of learning the alphabet and counting 1, 2, 3. I miss not having to know what algebra and complex numbers and n-t co ordinates are. I miss the simplicity.

We were allowed to be naïve, we were expected to be innocent. It was just another part of being a child – to just accept, without really questioning.

Being naïve, being innocent, being accepting usuallydidn’t get us into trouble.

As the years went by, learning the alphabet turned into in class essays, 1-2-3 into complex numbers and dimensionless groups. Being naïve and being innocent? It wasn’t such a good thing anymore.

It was acceptable as a child. There were teachers to tell you that picking your nose in public wasn’t such a good idea. Our parents (almost) always kept a wary eye on us, keeping us safe from sharp pointy objects and reminding us about stranger danger.

But what about now? No longer do we have teachers to make sure our homework gets done or telling us that sharing is caring. No longer do our parents watch out for us day in and day out. We lost that dependence in place of responsibility.

We were given responsibility over ourselves. Over what we wanted to learn, when we wanted to sleep, what we wanted to eat – over our actions, and more importantly, the consequences of those actions.

These days, being naïve seems to just get us into trouble. We forget that there are those out there who just want to screw us over. To take advantage of your trust.

Hell, this freakin blog is called Coconuts & Melons. “Coconut” and “Melon” may as well be perverted paedophiles in Singapore living in an underground lair with fake identities, beer bellies and a handlebar moustache. O__O

Point being – you can’t trust and believe everything you see and hear. Things can be faked, plagiarised. Identities can be stolen. People aren’t always what they seem.


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