Wednesday, June 10, 2009

!@#$%^&*()_ coz its pretty.

OK, so it seems like I haven’t blog since yonks ago, but now im bk in business :):) thank you coconut-san for taking responsibility of keeping this blog so nice and organized. ;)

Today my mood is … *drum rolls please* RANDOM! Hahahahaha, why is that? I dnoo… sleep deprived anddd been anti-socialising for the last couple of dayss.. felt awkward talking to peoplee on msn.. it feels like my first time talking to someone like woah cools wat shud I say nxt to impress them? But noott.. coz after 1 minute I got used to it agen… this is what you get for taking internet away from me you stupid exams!!!!!

Ever wonder why life is such a bitch? Well, I can tell you that if life is a slut.. (lol), it would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy tooooooooo smooooth andd… we wouldn’t experience those hardship we face in our day to day lives andd…probably wouldn’t be where we are now. Rite? I think so.. I guess.. hehehee… do u noe wat those bitches contains?? I can tell you for sure that one of them is economics. Economics can go screw itself, who wants to hear me ramble on import and exports and tariffs and subsidies and opportunity cost and game theory and monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and perfect competition? And wat is up with Ped = Price/(Pint – Price) where Pint is the D curve tht hits the price axis!? Whoooo caresss.. dun care about elasticity! And price discrimination.. omgg… stop it… its not fair to put a higher price on female haircuts, only because they are inelastic compared to male haircut why do u hav to put a higher price on females only because they are more willing to pay more for their hair!? Arghhhh…. Gayyyynesssss… well anywayyy.. if you are interesteddd.. go buy an economics book and read it urselff.. dun ask mee.. I noe nothing bout it, none at all :)

Mistakeeess. In life.. we make soooooooo many uberly duperly extremely lots of mistakes…and ofcourse one would wish that we have never done that mistake and would like to turn bk time to fix tht stupid mistake... a stupid mistake can be that it only started off as a joke but it somehow lead to something more than a jokee.. to a stage of seriousness.. oh no! taihendesuyoo~~ myb not that serious.. but quite serious for it to be considered sseriouss… and anywayyy.. after it got accidentally taken for seriouss.. u just wish u can dig a hole and bury urself in it and never face the earth’s surface ever again.. u would also wish that u never did what u have done, but after u have done wat u hav did.. wat can u do to undo wat u have done?

Here’s a little entertainment for you faithful readers, instead of where’s wally, its where’s coconut and melon! have fun, spot us, and tell us via cbox :) please and thankyouuuus
OH dangg.. the image is too big for me to uploadd.. so i shall link you with it and YOU can go take a look and find us :)¤t=2002.jpg


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