Saturday, June 27, 2009

dots & boredom

1. Thinking too much. It’s rather annoying, I have to say. Especially at 3 am in the morning, when all you want to do is fall into a dreamless sleep. There they are. The thoughts that just keep nagging away like some sleep-stealing pest. Perhaps we should have evolved an on/off switch for the non-vital areas of our brain. =.=
2. My phones decided to go swimming yesterday. As it turns out, sony ericsson’s have much better water-survival skills than samsung’s.
3. I still haven’t watched Transformers 2…or the first one. Partly because we didn’t want to ruin someone’s *cough* non-date *cough cough* with their *cough* brother-like *cough* friend.
4. We’ve established that too much of our money gets spent on food…more specifically bubble tea. I still lol at the fact hazelnut is a …special flavour (?) reserved only for certain special times. I guess artificial hazelnut flavouring is seasonal.
5. I think that at least half of my bubble tea spending should now be transferred to vodka-cruiser-spending. Still haven’t gotten around to the alcoholic bubble tea…or the cordial and vodka.
6. Caffeine pills! I think next time we should get the ones with nicotine too =P
7. Apparently I’ve built up a tolerance to red bull.
8. Walking too slow. Huh. There have been…a few complaints. Frankly I don’t see the purpose of walking fast (unless you were meant to be somewhere 10 minutes ago). Just look at me and mandy, we may walk slow…but still get to where we’re supposed to be…eventually =]
9. Sian alerted me to the fact there is an “I want to punch slow walking people in the back of the head” group on facebook. I think I would make a very worthy addition to that group.
10. My mum told me to get a job.
11. A mock video of Love Story must be made starring averil, vernice and some random as romeo-massive-sideburns-who-does-not-look-good-in-sixteenth-century-clothing.
12. Facebook could be a stalker’s best friend.
13. It’s amusing to watch people who think they can dance, dance.
14. It is also amusing how channel’s seven & nine have connoted news segments like perth’s first master chef and kiddy master chef in a pathetic attempt to copy master chef australia.
15. I admit to watching way too much day time tv. And so does vernice, who, over lunch taught us about some…weirdo chemical released during ovulation and that the higher your voice is, the more attractive you are.
16. The debate over the sexuality of the Ready Steady Cook host. Who’s shirt, I have to say appears to get tighter and tighter every time. However, I think it’s safe to say that we (now) know better than to judge gayness based on the colour/tightness/girlyness of one’s clothing and the way they act/speak.
17. My dear mother is also trying to convince my brother to buy skinny jeans because they would “suit him” and he has the right “body type”. And vernice is adamant that they will cause…I can’t remember. Something about a scrotum and mutated sperm.
18. Play count for I know aka the depression song has finally surpassed 600
19. A new depression song is needed
20. If anyone actually read on to this point, I apologise for wasting your time.



  1. 1. I quite agree. If only brains were that simple to operate.
    2. I'm thinking your water bottle may have a problem. Cos it's from Wesley. Perhaps it caught swine flu and is trying to expel extra fluid from it's body.
    3. It's a friggin movie and Vern was there. You should have come! And apparently I have the first movie on VCD so let me know if you want it.
    4. I always thought nuts didn't have seasons =/
    5. You're going to need a licence first.
    6. Hopefully they'll last for more than the three hours required for happy hour.
    7. I'm not surprised, considering how much you drink.
    8. A few???
    9. ...
    10. Technically you never quit your first one...
    11. It can be Wan's directing debut!
    12. It IS a stalker's best friend. Oddly enough, Wan doesn't use it.
    13. It is, rather.
    14. I lol-ed at that which got me funny looks from my mum and sister.
    15. I still don't understand how that theory works for...certain people.
    16. That Peter dude. Looks can be least now we know.
    17. Delightful. I dare you to buy them for his birthday.
    18. I'm rather surprised your depression song is so...melodic? But it's definitely a nice song =)
    19. Choose another one.
    20. I wanted my time to be wasted =)
    21. As you can see, I'm bored. And my brain has turned to mush. And the rain is making me sad. Keep me updated when I'm away and will see you in a few weeks time =)

  2. golly gosh averil.

    hehe. point being lol at the above comment and have a SAFE&FUN&NON-SWINE-FLU holiday!

