Tuesday, May 19, 2009


A completely worthless analogy.

Milk comes in a whole range of different flavours. Some flavours are nice, others are gay.
Sometimes it’s too sweet
Sometimes it’s just right
At other times it’s not sweet at all.

Not everyone likes milk.
Some people hate milk.
Hence their existence is milk-less.

Others love milk.
They embrace milk everyday.
They drink from the fountain of milk each and every day.

Milk must be maintained
It must be looked after,
Cared for in an appropriate manner

If milk is left out in the sun, it’ll go off.
If milk is not drunk quickly enough, it’ll go curdle-y
If milk is poured into an inadequate drinking flask,
Milk may slowly escape said drinking flask and be wasted.

Sometimes milk is boring
It’s plain
It tastes the same day after day

This is why milk is often accompanied by Oreo’s
Or timtams
Or icecream
Or all three.
Such additions make milk more interesting

We should all embrace milk.
Even if milk isn’t always as sweet as we’d like it to be,
We have to see the bigger picture,
See the long term benefits rather than the short comings of the present
eg. It has calcium – good for strong bones & teeth =]
It will prevent osteoporosis & other related diseases I cannot be bothered mentioning

Be inventive and find your own, unique way to make milk interesting for you.
Just because the person next to you likes strawberry-honeycomb-chocolate-malteser-mint choc chip icecream-milk. DOES NOT mean you must also like strawberry-honeycomb-chocolate-malteser-mint choc chip icecream-milk.

Find what suits you, and enjoy milk.

Some politically correct terms for you to integrate into your daily milk:
Bald – comb free, follicularly challenged, follically independent
Cannibalism – intra species dining
Clumsy – uniquely coordinated
Cowardly – challenge challenged
Fat – gravitationally challenged, horizontally gifted, person of substance
Garbage man – sanitation engineer
PMS – cyclically challenged
Lazy – motivationally deficient
Stupid – differently brained
Slut – suffering from sexual addiction
Perverted – sexually dysfunctional
Hunter – Bambi butcher
Large nose – nasally gifted
Geeks/nerds – socially challenged
Abortion - near life experience
Alcoholic - anti sobriety activist
Bum - displaced home owner
Dirty Old Man - sexually focused chronologically gifted individual
Drowning - aquatically challenged
Drug addict - chemically challenged
Fail - achieve a deficiency

So drink up me hearties
till another day,

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