Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Misadventures of Coconut & Melon

In the small, distant continent of Whattamadigiggity, there was once an even smaller, even more distant city called Ireallydontlikeengineering. Within the city of Ireallydontlikeengineering, there was a township by the name of Donisadoushbag. Within the Township of Donisadoushbag, there was a street known as Youepicfaildon. On this deserted, dodgy and fail of a street, there was a famous fruit and vege and nut shop. Inside that shop, a wonderful array of UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME fruits and veges and nuts could be found. Among these UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME fruits and veges and nuts were two INCREDIBLY UNIQUE and UNDENIABLY SPECIAL and AWESOME-LY AWESOME … things.

One of these UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME things was known as Coconut. The other equally UNIQUE and SPECIAL and AWESOME thing was the famous Melon. Coconut and Melon lived a happy life at the fruit and vege and nut shop…that was, until an evil force creeped it’s way into the once peaceful town.

This force, governed by evil was known to the townspeople as Katsudonnosaurus. Katsudonnosaurus was a tyrant of epic proportions. His hair was black, badly styled and over gelled. His eyes were dark, glinting with mischief. His shoes were a gay-coloured blue. His shorts were so short that they were completely covered by his stomach flab. And worst of all, he hated coconuts and melons.

He would claim that he “hated” Coconut, for ruining his life and causing it to “spiral down the drain”. Katsudonnosaurus even called Melon a “jerk”, and threatened to crack her in half!

Coconut and Melon, tired of Katsudonnosaurus’s evil lies and threats took him down in an awesome-as grapple tackle, followed by a sick right handed uppercut and finished off with a sumo style body slam.

And Katsudonnosaurus never annoyed Coconut and Melon again.

The End.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Useful Facts of LIFE

  1. When a person pees, a small deposit of urine enters the mouth via the saliva glands.
  2. If your vomit looks like what you ate, you just ate. If it's soupy, it's been in your stomach for a while.
  3. Scary rides on amusement parks sometimes turn vomit into a lethal weapon. People puke and the vomit flies around, covering not only the bodies and faces of others on the ride, but sometimes the pukers' noses and mouths, preventing them from breathing. Centrifugal-force rides are especially risky.
  4. Some Eskimos suck the snot out of their babies' noses with their mouths.
  5. An average person produces 25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime. That's enough to fill at least one swimming pool.
  6. In Tanzania, Africa, the Masai people regard spitting as a show of good will. Newborn babies are spat upon for good luck. Deals are often closed with a spit-soaked handshake.
  7. The temperature of your fart is 98.6 degrees, the same as your body should be.
  8. Farts have been clocked at 10 feet per second.
  9. Each volley of farts consists of about 9 percent carbon dioxide and 7 percent methane, two gases that contribute to global warming.
  10. Eating beets can turn your urine red.

    Vitamin B2 makes it bright yellow.

    Certain blue dyes make it blue-green.

    L-dopa makes it dark brown.

    Rhubarb sometimes makes it brownish or pinkish.

These wonderfully insightful facts came from
Coconut hopes this post has filled your day with new and exciting knowledge =]


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 2


today is day two of bloggy.
i got nothing to say really. i dno why i even bother writing this post up.
like errrrr.... righttttt.... i bet when u read this u're like
yeaa this is shooo pointlesss. coz there's nothin interesting here! mwahahahaha

lalalaaaa~. mannn.. its the long wkendd and i was suppose to catch up with bof.
i miss kimbummm!!! yesyes i noe the series finished ages ago but i've been savin it up
again n again n again n again *hehehe 2pm <3* and then i jst never seem to watch it nemore
wat a doush. boooooo.
go watch 2pm's MV! yaaaaaays nichkhun is shoooo cuteeee.. nawwwwww i likeyyy very muchiee
sho go watch it k!?

i just found out tht *BEEP* likes boyyys. should we go find *BEEP* a decent bf?? ;)

ps. i bet this is the most gay-ass post everr.


dear bloggy-san,

this is like the 4th post for you today and we only started a couple of hours agooo
wooowwieee we're shoooo gudd. arent we not!? kekekekekee

coconut has officially rolled over to watch tv and left me alone to do the posting..
sho i postPOSTpost. i dno wat to post tho!? huhuhuuuu.. coconut come and help me!!
why you torture me this wayy! T-T melon doesnt like thisss..

OH! toms is anzac day sho coconut and melon gets a breakkkk from all the crazy fruit and veges out theree! :B

omg. i jst remembered something. on friday.. *BEEP* visited *BEEP* at the fruit&vege shop but didnt visit melon.. huhuhu melon is saddd. *BEEP* is shooo meann.. only wants to visit *BEEP*! but hopefully *BEEP* had fun visiting *BEEP* ehehehehe. but even sho tht grrrr. even coconut agrees with melon boooooo.

well anywayy. thats all for noww. ciaooo

Dearest Don,

HELLO DON! LOL. For those who have never met'll probably meet him soon enough. He's the scary-ass, bouncer-looking guy with a hell suss smile and a receding hair line wearing short shorts =P. Seriously. LOL.

- Don
- Donny
- Oppa Don
- Katsu Don
- Jeremy
- Jerk
- Granny Don
- Aunty Don
- Donburi

Favourite Clothes:
- Black tops
- Short shorts
- Even shorter short shorts
- Sneakers
- Knee high socks
- Superman underwear

Favourite Bands/Artists:
- Big Bang
- Big Bang
- Big Bang

- Epic fail
- You jerk

Today's DON quote: "You laugh because I'm different...........
I laugh cause I just farted!"

till another day, goodbye all.


As a word of warning: even though melon and myself are THE most un-procrastinating, most organised, most dedicated, most english-enabled people you will ever meet, and even though we will TRY very, very hard to update this thingy at least once a year, you have to understand that study comes first in our lives. We love study. We heart study. We live for study. We'd eat study for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it was physically possible. Study > everything. Seriously.


- OMGGG...VERNICE IS 18 ! happy birthday squishy =]
- Cheesy tiramisu with coffee that was too strong and a lil bit to much kahlua...
- Stealing eclipse
- Ruining thongs (or thong, technically i only half ruined one thong..)
- Failing Organic Chem
- Vernice choking...on rice..

Energy Drinks Drunk:
- 2 x 330ml Red Bull
- 1 x 500ml Mother

Junk Food Consumed:
Unknown. But something along x --> + infinity

Coconut's funny quote of the week:
"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings."

byebye all =]


This is the first official blog-y-ma-jig-iiii by the COCONUT & MELON pty ltd.

For those of you who do not know what a "coconut" is, ... its one of those round things ya know? its kinda brownnn..has white crap on the inside..LIQUID WHITE STUFF! and it tastes rather good when eaten with

nowww whats nxtt..
MELONN!!! what is melon?? hmm.. melon is nice. i like melon. do u like melon? coz i like melon! hehehehe. Melon's are round. There are many types of melon. eg. rock melon..and water melon..and winter melon..and honeydew melon..and many, many other undiscovered melons!

thats all for now from coconuts and ice (: